Enjoy free admission at the Fairfield Museum as part of the Memorial Day Town Parade. Bring family and friends to explore our special exhibitions! Generously sponsored by Cindy Raney & Team.
A saltbox house built c. 1750 for David Ogden when he married Jane Sturges, it was the home of the Ogden family for generations. Stop by and discover more about the life of a colonial family. Located at 1520 Bronson Road. Click here for more information on the c. 1750 Ogden House. $5 per […]
Enjoy free admission all day at the Fairfield Museum and the c. 1750 Ogden House (located at 1520 Bronson Road). At the Fairfield Museum 11:30 am-1:30 pm: Free Paper-Making Demonstration with Local Artist Britt Garth At the Ogden House 10 am-4 pm: Join a tour to see how people lived in the 1700s […]
Instructor Judith Bacal will share techniques for drawing outdoors during this free drop-in program. All ages and levels of experience are welcome. Materials will be provided. Co-sponsored by the Fairfield County Plein Air Painters. Visitors can also explore all of the historic properties and try hands-on activities on the Museum Commons, home of the Fairfield […]
A saltbox house built c. 1750 for David Ogden when he married Jane Sturges, it was the home of the Ogden family for generations. Stop by and discover more about the life of a colonial family. Located at 1520 Bronson Road. Click here for more information on the c. 1750 Ogden House. $5 per […]
Join us outside on the Museum Commons to kick off this year’s Summer Reading Challenge: What Does the Fox Read? Enjoy a craft & games and activities with Fairfield Public Library as well as a craft from the Fairfield Museum. Free.
A saltbox house built c. 1750 for David Ogden when he married Jane Sturges, it was the home of the Ogden family for generations. Stop by and discover more about the life of a colonial family. Located at 1520 Bronson Road. Click here for more information on the c. 1750 Ogden House. $5 per […]
Celebrate the summer solstice at the Fairfield Museum! On the longest day of the year, the Museum will host Dylan Connor and The Lovebirds as part of Make Music Fairfield, a free outdoor celebration open to everyone. Note: Performances will take place on the Museum Commons. Feel free to bring a blanket and a picnic […]
A saltbox house built c. 1750 for David Ogden when he married Jane Sturges, it was the home of the Ogden family for generations. Stop by and discover more about the life of a colonial family. Located at 1520 Bronson Road. Click here for more information on the c. 1750 Ogden House. $5 per […]
A saltbox house built c. 1750 for David Ogden when he married Jane Sturges, it was the home of the Ogden family for generations. Stop by and discover more about the life of a colonial family. Located at 1520 Bronson Road. Click here for more information on the c. 1750 Ogden House. $5 per […]